Medway Hub CCS Project
The Medway Hub Camelot CCS project is focussed on the Camelot field in the Southern North Sea where Synergia Energy and its JV partner, Harbour Energy have an NSTA carbon storage license, license number CS019.
The project comprises the transportation of CO2 emissions from coastal CCGT power stations and from continental European carbon hubs in liquid form by marine tanker to a Floating Injection, Storage and Offloading vessel (FISO) from which the CO2 would be injected into the Camelot depleted gas field and the overlying Bunter saline aquifer.
The CCS project is contemplated to be a merchant scheme whereby emitters would pay for the transportation and storage of CO2 under long-term contracts, instead of incurring the cost of carbon allowances.
The CCS project is subject to contracts with carbon emitters, regulatory approvals and funding.
Synergia Energy / Harbour Energy are currently working through the Site Characterisation phase of the NSTA-defined work program.
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