Corporate Governance
Synergia Energy has adopted a comprehensive system of control and accountability for the administration of Corporate Governance. The Board is committed to administering the policies and procedures with openness and integrity, pursuing the true spirit of corporate governance commensurate with the Company’s needs.
To the extent they are applicable to the Company, the Board has adopted the AIM corporate governance principles and recommendations.
Further information about the Company’s corporate governance practices is set out in the document links below.
Constitution, Charters and Statements
- Board
- Company Constitution
- Audit and Risk Committee
- Remuneration Committee
- Quoted Companies Alliance's Corporate Governance Code
Policies and Procedures
- Process for Performance Evaluations
- Policy and Procedure or the Selection and (Re)Appointment of Directors
- Induction Program
- Procedure for the Selection, Appointment and Rotation of External Auditor
- Code of Conduct
- Diversity Policy
- Policy on Dealings in Securities
- Market Abuse Regulation Handbook
- Risk Management
- Shareholder Communication and Investor Relation Policy
- AIM Rules Compliance Policy
- Whistleblower Policy
- Anti Bribery and Corruption Policy
- Values Statement